Saturday, December 7, 2013


As we move on in the year, it has become apparent that there are many conversations to be had. So often when I speak with you,  I find myself wishing I could share the conversations with everyone. Sometimes I want to share insights, and other times I need to talk over some finer points that have arisen during our conversations. Often people have questions or news that they want to share. Hence this blog. The title is Hochman 865 and there is a prize (seriously- [I know how competitive most of you guys are]) for the first person who posts the correct reason for my choice of title.

I'd appreciate it if you could all sign up as followers and set your settings to receive posts regularly. It is of course, your comments that are needed as it is my hope that this blog will enable ongoing dialogue.


  1. BTW There is something wrong with the time setting; I cannot get it off of Pacific time (just in case you are wondering why I am blogging at 4:26 am).

  2. 865 is the numbers of the two schools you work at added together!

  3. Elisa is the winner! It is indeed the sum of the two school numbers. I shall bring your prize on Tuesday

  4. Oh well, I didn't win the prize:)

  5. Good game! I couldn't remember the number to the other school :(
